A word
If there was a word
a combination word
that stood for happiness,
goodness, kindness and
loyalty, that word would
be Clare.
Your name matches who
you are. Bright spirit,
so incredibly smart and
brilliant. I can’t help
but love you.
Thoughts of you set my
heart aflame. A passion
unlike any other. Close
to holiness, I easily
recognize our power,
our purpose, our
connectedness to
all that is divine.
And accepting that
perspective fills us
with love.
And filled with love
is how all should feel.
We can say yes with glee
Trusting and honoring
the ways of the universe.
I give you my all, my
best, my eyes and my
voice and my heart
so that together we
can generate more
love and peace and
acceptance for all who
dwell here, for all
who breath; for us
for you, for them;
for joy and compassion;
for synchronicity and
karma; for love.