I Love You Because You’re Smart
I love you because you’re smart. You say
what you mean and mean what you say.
You’re not afraid to admit that you don’t
know it all. You’re honest and trustworthy.
You keep your word because it’s all
we really have. Your heart is huge. You
cry easily. You are strong willed and
thoughtful. You have three solutions to
every issue. You are flexible. Your eyes
are soft with love and understanding.
You are sexy. You are devoted. You honor
all who seek your advice. You love family.
You are a “friendly introvert”. You meditate
to end suffering. You practice peaceful harmony.
You do not define others; you let us be who we are,
acceptingly. You do not give up on love.
You surpass my every expectation.
You know what relationship is, and you’re ready.
To me, you are love, you are all I need.
Your appearance in my life is a miracle.
I am honored, I am grateful.