My heart has found love

My heart has found love

There is just this one moment, this present,
that leads to my future that I must focus on.
I have reclaimed my heart and opened it,
shared it with Clare. My body is ready for
passion. My heart has found love. My mind even
is satisfied and joyful. What remains are
details and plans. I am lit up with joy
and can practice true compassion with one
who knows so much! From marriage, and
devotion and birth and perseverance; from
poverty and love and trust and goodness;
from truly giving support through faith,
to easing suffering — she is more, so
much more, than I could ever hope for.

I am humbled, filled with more love than
I have ever known. Yes, a heart can break,
can rupture with joy. These flames cannot
be contained.


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