Category: Thoughts

Clare’s Favorite Artworks

This was a picture that was a huge influence on me when I was a young woman. I lived next door to a Catholic Worker House. This is Jesus in the Bread Line by Fritz Eichenberg. I think art is at it’s best transforming, and this picture did that for me. When I cooked or…
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Simone’s Three Favorite Artists

I love outsider artists, self-taught artists, fringe artists. Have you seen the movie “Exit Through the Gift Shop?” Worth looking up, really. 1) Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec, I love his posters. 2) Andy Goldsworthy, Leaves Saw a documentary about him that was remarkable. 3) Howard Finster, To The Olempics (Olympics) God told him to make art…
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Anticipating Our Second Date

Anticipating our second date Starry eyed and exuberant Your smile, sent via messages, generates sparks in my heart. Can’t wait to hold you close, make more plans, and luxuriate in your presence, my smart, witty wife