Clare’s Profile


I’m seriously looking for my forever love. I’m optimistic, obviously — you aren’t 61 and still believing in the possibility of lasting love without being one heck of an optimist! An equal, mentally, emotionally, and in all other ways is what I’m searching for, someone who can throw aside the fears that this relationship might not work out, and give it a try. I love creative, quirky, funny, smart, sensual women. And I hope you do too, because that’s what you are going to get in me.

Oh, and PS: OK Cupid thinks I am less romantic than the average woman here. That’s sausage talk (as my mother would say) I’m pretty darned romantic. Stick around and you will see. 😉

What I’m doing with my life:
I work in a field where I can and do work virtually. That’s wonderfully flexible, as I am sure you can imagine. Work isn’t just something I do to pay the rent. It is a way I can make a positive improvement in the world. I love what I do, and really feel like it is a bonus that someone pays me to do it! It is a wonderful thing to have gotten to this place in my career.

I’m also an artist, and photography is my medium. Photography is endlessly interesting to me, and I learn something new about it and myself almost every day. It is a wonderful thing to be able to share my vision of the world in my photos.

I’m a friendly introvert, so my daily life is a combination of quiet and social time, exercise (walking quite a bit, yoga, pilates keep me tuned up), and meditation practice. It would be wonderful if you are also interested in some of these.

I’m really good at:
Hugs. Cooking. Gardening. Learning new things. Traveling. Meeting new people. Being a partner. Teaching. Being brave. Snuggling. Understanding other people’s points of view. Laughing. Making a cosy home. Kissing.

The first things people usually notice about me:
Most of the time, I hear that I remind them of someone they are close to. I wondered for a long time why that was — Before I was pretty much out to everyone, I thought maybe it was I was twanging their gaydar.

But now I think it means that many people find me comfortable to be with, genuinely interested in them as individuals, someone they would like to spend some time with. Let’s see what you think!
Favorite books, movies, shows, music, and food

Books: I read a lot, so I read a lot of junk as well as things well written. I love dystopian fiction. Some of my favorite authors are: Geraldine Brooks, Rohinton Mistry, Jhumpa Lahiri, Donna Tartt, Chris Bohjalian, Cormac McCarthy, Margaret Atwood. Who do you know about that I haven’t heard of? I’m looking for recommendations!

I love classical music, country, folk, classic rock and roll, blues, chamber music. Practically anything. I have had tickets to the philharmonic for the last dozen years, and also to the jazz fest. And I’m terrible at it but I really enjoy singing.

Food — I’ll admit it: I’m a foodie. I love something different and original, organic and local. Have never met a dumpling that I didn’t love, and am wild for all kinds of ethnic cuisine. I’m a good cook (so say my friends and ex’s!)

Oh, and in case I’ve not impressed you with my weirdness yet, I took a course on foraging this year. Yes, that means harvesting weeds for dinner! I read a story about a woman who got lost hiking the Appalachian Trail and actually starved to death! You may become fodder for a bear, but you won’t starve to death under my watch!

The six things I could never do without:
1. A new project, something to learn, something to do.
2. A camera.
3. Quiet time for meditation and practice.
4. My cooking knives.
5. Some land to garden. Flowers or veggies you ask? Answer: yes!
6. My optimism.
7. Time to exercise: Pilates, Yoga and long walks are necessary for my mental health, as well as my physical health!
8. My family and friends.

I spend a lot of time thinking about:
….what things mean. Understanding how what I am learning and finding to be true connects with what I already know, is really important to me. Making sense of the world. I do this by thinking, talking, and writing.

On a typical Friday night I am:
Hanging out with friends. Dinner out, or in with a good movie. Traveling to wherever we are going to spend the weekend. Cocktails on the veranda. Flirting. That sort of thing.

The most private thing I’m willing to admit
I wear my heart on my sleeve.

You should message me if:
You are a creative, smart, thinking person. I love brains (oh how I love big brains!) and quirkiness. And please be female.