Tag: love

My heart has found love

There is just this one moment, this present, that leads to my future that I must focus on. I have reclaimed my heart and opened it, shared it with Clare. My body is ready for passion. My heart has found love. My mind even is satisfied and joyful. What remains are details and plans. I…
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We take a chance on love

Leave worry behind We will be brave explorers on this wonderful path We can admit it all, our love and our flaws. We will be honest and true, dedicated and steadfast believers. And though we are joyful now we approach this commitment with seriousness, aware of the frailty of our hearts and willing to put…
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Generating Love

Happiness found and shared generates more love and beauty. And there can never be too much love. What will our magnetic hearts create? Hope Honesty Trust Goodness Light Faith Art Beauty Love Compassion Joy Laughter Passion

The Garden of Love

I seek to create a garden of love A life full of beauty and promise, goodness and pleasure. Home to good thoughts and good deeds. A comfortable and comforting place, kind to the senses, soft and clean, simply elegant and made for two. A place to hug, to hold hands, to laugh and sigh, to…
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