Who is Clare?

My darling Clare!

Clare is a yogini, a Buddhist working to end all suffering. She is the woman the universe presented to me when I had lost my faith in love. She is a believer in the power of love. She is a friendly introvert. She is a nerdy geek who loves smart women. She is full of optimism and good cheer. She is attracted to tradition and she practices rituals.

She is fierce in her abilities of devotion. She wears her heart on her sleeve. She is an advocate for equal rights. She is aware and accepting of her flaws. She sees me wholly and loves me still! She exudes passion and tranquility. She is a maker of imaginary worlds. She is intelligent and honest. She is trustworthy, and so I have given her my heart. She is my wife, my friend, and my lover. She is a marvelous cook and she blogs about food.

She is a photographer and a nature lover. She is super smart and witty. She is funny and delighted by our clumsy lives. She is a mother and a daughter. She is a sister and a friend. She is well- traveled and full of stories. She is a wonderful storyteller. She is familiar and warm. She is observant and thoughtful. She is a lesbian and a bookworm. She reads and thinks deep thoughts. She is clear and filled with compassion. She is a knowledgeable pacifist. She generates harmony. She is the woman I love.

Now, let me jump to the other side and tell you what she is not. She is not materialistic or vain. She is not angry or distrusting. She is not mean or loud. She is not prejudiced or contrary. When she was a troop leader, I think the girls might have said, “When I grow up, I want to be like you.” I can say the same.  For she is successful and modest. Mannerable and generous. Polite and proud. Sweet and kind.

Even when she thinks she’s cool, she knows that there are others way cooler, and that is ok. She knows there is always more to learn, to see, and to do. She loves her work, and her employees love her. She is fair and even-tempered. She studies me with an intensity I have never known. She speaks to me with love. She is my hero, this woman, born under the sign of Aries.

She is more than I hoped for, and she grows better with each passing day.

